Whole Body Vibration

Whole Body Vibration

If you’re looking to shake up your wellness routine, there’s a special machine that has found its place in both gyms and spas over the last few years. Vibration technologies typically present themselves as a vibrating platform for you sit, stand, or even perform moves like lunges upon. The concept of whole body vibration replicates the vertical movement of the earth’s gravity, which stimulates your growth plates, blood circulation, and more. Fitness and health benefits of adding vibration into your routine include muscle strength and recovery, flexibility, and enhanced metabolism.

There are many locations for Santa Barbara locals to experience whole body vibration. Local fitness studios and gyms such as Conditioning Specialists, Superior Fitness, and Santa Barbara Athletic Club have technologies such as the TurboSonic and Power Plate to supplement their clients’ workouts. Alchemy Arts Center also offers therapeutic vibration as one of its treatments. Read the full article about vibration technology and its benefits, history, brands, and local use on SB Fitness.