This year's Russ Morrison Memorial Jr. Golf Tournament at Santa Barbara Golf Club is fast approaching, set for Saturday, June 9. The one-day event … [Read more...]
Russ Morrison Memorial Jr. Golf Tournament coming next weekend
Helton rises above at City Championship

Sometimes the pupil surpasses the teacher. Not this day. Brian Helton held off his former student and two others at Santa Barbara Golf Club on … [Read more...]
Lebow, Gama, Helton hold edge at City Championship

Shane Lebow, Brandon Gama and Brian Helton share the lead after two rounds at the Santa Barbara City Championship, as the tournament heads into … [Read more...]
City golf championship set for Memorial Day weekend
Allen Geiberger will be looking to put his famous last name on the trophy at this weekend?s 53rd annual Santa Barbara City Golf Championship at the … [Read more...]
Oxnard’s Rice does it again, this time over Royals
Katie Rice keeps proving her worth to Santa Barbara schools during the early season, medaling for Oxnard in their third straight victory over a local … [Read more...]
Pate-Lass return to the winner’s circle at S.B. Classic

“There’s no place like home.” Just ask local guy John Pate, inducted earlier this year into the San Marcos High Athletic Hall of Fame. He and … [Read more...]
2011 Junior Golf Tour Schedule
Monday, June 13 — Buddy Allin No. 1, Montecito Country Club, 1:00 PM Monday, June 20 — Buddy Allin No. 2, Sandpiper Golf Club, 7:00 AM Wednesday, … [Read more...]
Perez on a roll coming into City Golf Championship
The last time Andrew Perez came to town for a golf tournament he was on a hot streak, winning city tltles in Goleta, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Los Angeles … [Read more...]