Craig Moropoulos was feeling a little low on Monday morning, two days after his injury-plagued SBCC football squad lost its second consecutive … [Read more...]
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Moropoulos gets sage advice, focuses ahead
October 25, 2010 by Blake Dorfman
Filed Under: Featured, News, Press Luncheons Tagged With: Harry's Plaza Cafe, Luncheon, Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table
Moropoulos proud of his local players
October 4, 2010 by Blake Dorfman

SBCC football coach Craig Moropoulos is a Santa Barbara native, and his program is a reflection of it. At Monday's Santa Barbara Athletic Round … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Press Luncheons Tagged With: Craig Moropoulos, Haley True, Harry's Plaza Cafe, Jean Debettignies, John Ward, Luncheon, Paul "Munchie" Aguilar, SBART