The Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table wishes to thank its Members, especially the Platinum, Founders and Regal Members who host our weekly … [Read more...]
2013-14 Press Luncheon Schedule – Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table
Womble always a fan favorite
A lot of introductions are made every week at the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table press luncheon, and nobody gets a louder round of applause than … [Read more...]
SBART Luncheon: Hole-in-one is ho-hum for San Marcos golfer

Last week was incredibly special for a pair of San Marcos athletes. On Tuesday, Brittany Peretiako fired the first hole-in-one of her life in a … [Read more...]
2011-12 SBART Press Luncheon Schedule
2011-12 Press Luncheon Schedule Mondays at Noon - Harry’s Plaza Cafe • Sponsored by Santa Barbara Bank & Trust September 12, … [Read more...]
Coaches watch their athletes grow, succeed

Growing up before our eyes. It was a day of reminiscing for a few coaches who were paying tribute to current and former athletes and other coaches … [Read more...]
Big matchups on tap to start 2011

The New Year isn't wasting any time when it comes to big local games, as evidenced by the handful of coaches who reported at Monday's Santa Barbara … [Read more...]
Playoff madness set to get going this week

The school year's first wave of playoffs is upon us, and there are a lot of local teams who haven't seen the postseason for awhile. CIF-newcomer … [Read more...]
Moropoulos gets sage advice, focuses ahead

Craig Moropoulos was feeling a little low on Monday morning, two days after his injury-plagued SBCC football squad lost its second consecutive … [Read more...]