With the SoCal Games barely a week away, Special Olympics Santa Barbara gathered at the Sunken Gardens on Friday to celebrate its athletes and … [Read more...]
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Special Olympics honors its own ahead of SoCal Games
June 1, 2013 by Presidio Sports
Filed Under: News, Special Olympics Tagged With: Aaron Brown, Abraham Moreno, Daniel Giordani, Gary Cunningham, Special Olympics Santa Barbara
Sports Volunteer of the Month: Daniel Giordani
April 17, 2013 by Randy Weiss - Special to PresidioSports.com

VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Volunteers often go under-recognized even though they are extremely important to the athletic community. So … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Awards, Dos Pueblos, Special Olympics Tagged With: Aaron Brown, Daniel Giordani, Dos Pueblos Athletics, Randy Weiss, Sara Spataro, Special Olympics of Santa Barbara, Volunteer of the Month Award