VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Volunteers often go under-recognized even though they are extremely important to the athletic community. So important … [Read more...]
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Jeanie Hill is first recipient of Volunteer of the Month Award
June 1, 2012 by Barry Punzal
Filed Under: Awards Tagged With: Alex Hill, American Heart Association, Brandt Hill, Catharine Manset, Cliff Purcell, Hall of Fame Banquet, Jackie Hingsen, Jeanie Purcell Hill, Larry Crandell Golf Classic, Laurie Leighty, Lexie Hingsen, Rich Hanna, Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table, SBART, Volunteer of the Month Award
Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table fetes March Madness
March 13, 2012 by Presidio Sports

The Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table hosted its annual March Madness event on Monday evening at the Cabrillo Arts Pavilion, bringing together the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Bishop Diego, Carpinteria, Cate, Dos Pueblos, Laguna Blanca, News, Providence, San Marcos, Santa Barbara High Tagged With: Carlene Mitchell, Catharine Manset, Dave Pintard, Eddie Conk, Phil Womble, Rich Hanna, SBART, Stan Morrison
2010-11 Athletes of the Year
May 23, 2011 by Barry Punzal

This is the list of the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table's Athletes of the Year for the 2010-11 school year. The athletes were nominated by a … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Bishop Diego, Carpinteria, Cate, Dos Pueblos, News, San Marcos, Santa Barbara High, SBCC, UCSB, Westmont Tagged With: Amanda Moreno, Andrea Ward, Athletes of the Year, Avery Schwartz, Cate boys soccer, Catharine Manset, Chad Lampe, Danny Zandona, Elias Munoz, Elysia Hodges, Emilie Johnson, Emily Rose Williams, Erin Campbell, Hannah Harris, Jeff Menzel, John Uribe, Kevin Cappon, Kiley Neushul, Lauren Stratman, Milos Golic, Nick Scarvelis, Nicole Bullemer, Orlando Johnson, Sanford Spivey, Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table, SBART, SBART Hall of Fame Banquet, Sergey Sushchikh, Taylor Racich, Tess Emerson, thayer white
Power of press lunch provided inspiration for SBART president
May 16, 2011 by Barry Punzal

For outgoing Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table President, Catharine Manset, the weekly press luncheons at Harry’s Plaza Cafe worked as power lunches … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, News, Press Luncheons Tagged With: Catharine Manset, Ethel Byers, Jeanie Purcell Hill, John Stoney, Moe Clayton, Press Luncheon, SBART, SBART President