PHOTO GALLERY: Dos Pueblos at San Marcos girls soccer

PHOTO GALLERY INTRO: Rachel Smith's hat trick was a huge chunk of Dos Pueblos' 4-0 Channel League win over San Marcos on Tuesday, with Maria Solis … [Read more...]

Oak Park rolls Cardinals in TVL matchup

Oak Park pounded Bishop Diego 60-24 on Tuesday to claim a Tri-Valley League win. "We gave up too many second chance points," said Cardinals head … [Read more...]

Warriors down Oaks Christian, next Malibu

Maddie Brooks and Hope Grant each scored three times on Monday in an 8-4 Tri-Valley League win at Oaks Christian. The victory makes the Warriors … [Read more...]

Round Table Athletes of the Week

Westmont College basketball player Preston Branson and UCSB women's basketball player Kelsey Adrian have been named Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table … [Read more...]

Santa Barbara Sports Pulse

LOCAL SPORTS PULSE Each week publishes running updates, news, and thoughts concerning the local sports scene, along with an … [Read more...]

SB County’s Super Seven Boys Basketball Rankings

Presidio Sports will release the Santa Barbara County Super Seven for boys basketball each Monday throughout the league season. It is a way for you to … [Read more...]

SB County’s Super Seven Girls Basketball Rankings

Presidio Sports will release the Santa Barbara County Super Seven for girls basketball each Monday throughout the league season. It is a way for you … [Read more...]

Next Level Watch

THE NEXT LEVEL Santa Barbara athletes are all over the place. So many that it's hard to keep up with. This is a place to keep tabs on our local … [Read more...]