PHOTO GALLERY: Dons-Chargers Channel League water polo

PHOTO GALLERY INTRO: Santa Barbara High's boys water polo team upended Dos Pueblos 11-5 on Tuesday in a pivotal Channel League matchup. The Chargers … [Read more...]

Dons return favor to Chargers, plus some

Preston Schlagel's four goals, three steals and two assists were the leading force for Santa Barbara's boys water polo team on Tuesday, as the Dons … [Read more...]

Santa Barbara secures second place in Channel League

The Santa Barbara High girls volleyball team swept Ventura to earn second place in the Channel League behind Dos Pueblos. The scores in the sets … [Read more...]

Stratman romps into Channel League semifinals

Top-seeded Lauren Stratman of Dos Pueblos rolled into the semifinals of the Channel League Individual Tennis Championships on Tuesday, winning  her … [Read more...]

Season ends for DP, SB golfers

Dos Pueblos and Santa Barbara golfers failed to advance out of the CIF Individual Northern Regional at Oxnard’s River Ridge Golf Course on … [Read more...]

UCSB’s Vom Steeg going with fear-the-beard tactic

Tim Vom Steeg wasn’t wearing a Halloween disguise when he arrived at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table press luncheon at Harry’s Plaza … [Read more...]

Ventura shuts down Cunningham, Dons; ties for league title

VENTURA — Santa Barbara learned what it’s like facing a CIF top-five football team. Undefeated Ventura dominated the line of scrimmage, running … [Read more...]

Zerrenner, Fernandez, Chargers run away with County Championships

In a historic meet for the Dos Pueblos cross country team, Bryan Fernandez won the boys race, Addi Zerreners won the girls race, and both teams … [Read more...]