BAKERSFIELD - Left-handed pitcher Zak Edgington went eight solid innings and a three-run eighth inning from UC Santa Barbara's offense helped the … [Read more...]
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Edgington goes eight in Gaucho victory
May 26, 2012 by UCSB Sports Information
Filed Under: UCSB, UCSB Baseball Tagged With: AL Ferrer, Andrew Checketts, Greg Mahle, Lance Roenicke, Marc Venning, Peter Maris, UCSB Baseball, Zak Edgington
UCSB names 6 new HoF inductees; Bellomo to join Legends of the Dome
August 22, 2011 by UCSB Sports Information
The UCSB Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is proud to announce the 2011-12 class of Hall of Fame Inductees, Legends of the ‘Dome and The Gaucho … [Read more...]
Filed Under: News, UCSB Tagged With: AL Ferrer, Amahl Thomas, Amelia White, Judy Bellomo, Kelly Spencer, Legends of the Dome, Mark French, Mike Gorman, UCSB Hall of Fame, Wayne Bryan
UCSB victory puts Brontsema on top
March 29, 2010 by UCSB Sports Information
Bob Brontsema became UCSB's all-time leader in victories on Sunday as his Gauchos put together an all-around complete game in an 11-6 win over the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Baseball, UCSB, UCSB Baseball Tagged With: 2009-10 ucsb video, AL Ferrer, Bob Brontsema, Jesse Meaux, Mark Haddow, Matt Valaika, UCSB Baseball, ucsb gauchos, UCSB video
Capito captures all-time mark for Brontsema
March 27, 2010 by UCSB Sports Information
Nick Capito had his best start in a UCSB uniform and it allowed his head coach to tie the school's all-time wins record. Capito, a left-hander who … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Baseball, UCSB, UCSB Baseball Tagged With: AL Ferrer, Bob Brontsema, Gunnar Terhune, Mark Haddow, Nick Capito, Ryan Tregoning, UCSB Baseball
Stream of young coaches from UCSB may be shut off
October 26, 2009 by Blake Dorfman

Al Ferrer had an important message to relay at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table luncheon. Ferrer, the Athletic Coaching advisor to … [Read more...]
Filed Under: People, Press Luncheons Tagged With: AL Ferrer, Jenny Ann Martinez, Karen Buchanan, Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table, UCSB ESS