Top Row L t R: Bolden Brace, Amber Melgoza, Natasha Feshbach, Brandon Sanchez. Bottom Row L t R: Kevin Gowdy, Julie Pitney, Bailey Wolf, Kristina Garcia. (John Dvorak Photo/Presidio Sports Photo)
At least eight Dons have their college plans squared away already as a handful of student-athletes came together for a Signing Day celebration on the Santa Barbara High campus on Thursday.
Kevin Gowdy is going to UCLA for baseball, Amber Melgoza to Washington for basketball, Bolden Brace to Northeastern for basketball, Brandon Sanchez to LMU for soccer, Natasha Feshbach to Yale for Track & Field, Kristina Garcia to Cal for water polo, Bailey Wolf to Wheaton for soccer, and Julie Pitney to UC San Diego for soccer.
There are other Dons athletes making the jump to college. The quarterback of the football team, senior Brent Peus, has not announced his decision. Signing Day for football is February 3.