Goleta’s Ice in Paradise project breaking ground

The Greater Santa Barbara Ice Skating Association (GSBISA) has secured construction financing and projected groundbreaking is November 20, 2014.

They have sufficient pledges and donations to begin construction and have secured financing allowing this project to move forward. As construction begins on the Ice in Paradise ice skating arena, GSBISA will launch their final fundraising effort providing an opportunity for everyone in the Santa Barbara area to get involved in the Community Campaign. “We are so excited to see this incredible community asset become a reality and we appreciate each and every one of our donors, foundations, local businesses, and supporters who have been behind us all these years. I can’t wait to see all ages and families gliding across the ice,” Kathy Mintzer, GSBISA President.

The Ice in Paradise ice skating arena will be located at the corner of Santa Felicia and Storke Road in Goleta next to Girsh Park. The ice arena will provide a permanent, energy efficient, public recreation and sports facility serving youth, adults, students and families in the Santa Barbara area. The 46,500 sq. ft. building will feature a NHL size main rink ( 200’ x 85’), a smaller studio rink (100’ x 60’), an after-school homework center, public skating, learn to skate programs, facilities and programs for figure skaters, hockey players, and ice-sports for all.

Special design features will allow for adaptive ice sports, including sled hockey for Wounded Warriors and other mobility impaired athletes.

According to Jack Norqual, GSBISA Campaign Chair, “Our state-of-the-art rink will make the great recreation of ice skating, and the sports that accompany it, available to all residents of the Santa Barbara community. Although our fundraising has taken longer than anticipated, we have never compromised on the quality of our ice rink. Thanks to the patience of our donors and supporters, Ice in Paradise will now be an important part of our community for generations to come.”

Beginning in early November the entire Santa Barbara community will have the chance to become involved in the Community Campaign by purchasing a Donor Brick to be placed in the Donor Park in the front of the Ice in Paradise building. GSBISA’s Brick Program will enable supporters the opportunity to become involved in this last phase of fundraising and etch their names, place a meaningful inscription, or dedicate a brick in honor or memory of a loved one. Completion of Ice in Paradise is forecasted to be September 2015.

More information on an official ground-breaking ceremony will be released soon.