Lakey’s Lines: TV & La Vida Pura

EDITOR’S NOTE: Be sure to catch Lakey on her upcoming television appearances. Lakey will be on tonight’s Daily Habit show on FuelTv at 2 & 5:30 p.m. and will also be featured on the May 2 edition of New Pollution, also aired on FuelTv.

Lakey stops for a photo on the Daily Habit set last week. Her appearance airs tonight, April 18th, on FuelTv.

Hey guys,

I Just got back from Costa Rica… so I thought I would tell you a bit about my trip.

Well, first of all, I went down there thanks to one of my amazing sponsors, Nike 6.0. We just went down to have a plain old fun & proper surf trip.

The schedule was pretty insane everyday though. We basically woke up at 5 a.m., went surfing for 4 hours, came back to the house to eat and sleep for an hour, and then go back out and surf until dark!

And today I’m sun-burnt as heck and can’t move a muscle. I think I might be out of the water for a little while. It was still such a fun trip. One day we got to go to the “zoo” if that’s what you could call it; But we just got to go and see hundreds of butterflies and then there was a monkey cage and we got to go inside with the monkey and it would come jump on our heads and play with us!

It was pretty cool! I had a great first trip to Costa and I hope I can go back and surf other places there in the future!

Thanks guys and I hope you all had a great Easter and Earth Day!!!!


Lakey P ;)