Platinum riders pull through in Santa Ynez race

Platinum riders enjoyed a fun-filled weekend of cycling in the Santa Ynez Valley over the weekend at the Poor College Kids Road Race.

Shigy Suzuki, Mark Luke, Mike Weber, Tim Marquez , and Bobby Langin Sr. lined up at 1:10 to enjoy the fine weather in the Santa Ynez Valley. 

Things were incredibly civil as the big pack left the line and traversed along the rolling hills against a minor head wind. 

Mark Luke seemed to be the most proficient among the Platinum sect as he kept himself near the front but making sure not to pull more than necessary.  He was also very helpful with talking to Sr. (who, by the way, had no idea what he was doing out there) keeping him out of trouble.  Mark pulled hard to the turn-around keeping us near the front in anticipation of the hit back up to the finish.

In true Langin fashion, Sr. decided it was time for a flyer and went off the front with his mind filled with the vision of a glorious finish, hands raised high as the cycling groupie’s showered him with affection back in the pits…the poor old guy is not only loosing his memory, he’s apparently delusional as well.  After just a short while another rider bridged the small gap. 

Meanwhile Luke was doing his best to control the field allowing Langin to bath in his illusions for just a while longer.  As the lead group neared the short climb, another couple of riders had come across the gap now making the lead group 5-strong. “Strong” being a relative term.

Langin crested the climb in front but was soon accompanied by the other four.  The five were not working very well back down towards the finish and thus the field was coming quickly.  Mark, still doing his best to control, was running out of options as many a rider would attack in hopes of catching the breakaway.

At 1 K to go, the shenanigans were beginning up front.  Langin could see the field coming fast and was sweating like Blagojevich at an ethics conference and figured he’d rather finish 5 than be involved in a mass sprint finish so he hit it just as he was able to see the line.  The other four were happy to take advantage of Langin and would cross the line ahead giving the delusional guy a fifth nearly getting swallowed up by the pack as he crossed the line.

Langin missed out on the throngs of young blondes lavishing him with attention but had fun nonetheless.  Mark Luke was Platinum’s most valuable player in the mêlée as he not only allowed Langin to go off the front but then worked like a dog to protect him. Thanks Mark,I owe ya one!

Bobby Langin Sr       5th
Mark Luke                 18th
Shigy Suzuki             21st
Mike Weber               34th
Tim Marquez             26th
Terry Dahl                 44th