Bishop’s Muñoz strong in first meet

The Bishop Diego cross country team ran Thursday at Lake Casitas on a course that coach Ray Vasquez called “one of the toughest” of the Frontier League meets.

 That didn’t slow down freshman Elias Muñoz, who finished fifth overall in his first cross country meet to lead the Cardinal boys to a second-place finish out of five schools. The girls team finished fourth overall behind another freshman, Christie Delgadillo.

 Muñoz completed the course in 18 minutes and 54 seconds while Delgadillo, who also finished fifth, crossed the finish line at 22.34. 

 The boys also had strong times from Ted Sleep (6th place in 18.59) and Trent Speier (10th place in 19.22). 

 The Cardinals’ next race is the Dos Pueblos Invitational on Oct. 10.