SAN LUIS OBISPO - Cal Poly scored eight runs in the seventh and eighth innings to turn a 7-1 deficit into a 9-8 victory over UCSB to complete a … [Read more...]
Mustangs catch Gauchos for sweep
Series win over Fullerton slips away for Gauchos

Cal State Fullerton scored six runs in the final two innings – including five in the ninth – on Sunday to turn a very tight game into a 9-3 victory, … [Read more...]
Gauchos take second game with No. 8 Titans
The UCSB baseball team got its first signature win of the Andrew Checketts era in a 7-1 victory over No. 8 Cal State Fullerton on Saturday afternoon … [Read more...]
Edgington finishes off Gaucho sweep
STOCKTON - Zak Edgington battled some wildness, but when the dust settled on Sunday the Gauchos' left-handed starter had shut down the top-hitting … [Read more...]
UCSB’s Vedo fans 12 Mustangs
Matt Vedo pitched 6.2 solid innings, striking out a season-high 12 batters, and UC Santa Barbara belted a pair of home runs in a 6-5 non-conference … [Read more...]
Gauchos take Big West opening series from Riverside

A head-scratching decision will be what UC Riverside considers on its bus ride back from Caesar Uyesaka Stadium. For the UC Santa Barbara baseball … [Read more...]
Gauchos unable to overcome tough Riverside pitching
The UC Santa Barbara baseball team had its opportunities vs. UC Riverside right-hander Eddie Orozco on Saturday, but were never able to break through … [Read more...]
Gauchos come back to shred Waves
At a possible turning point in Tuesday's non-conference game, the UC Santa Barbara baseball team didn't shy away and took control en route to a 10-5 … [Read more...]