Royals have 18 girls who will keep swimming

San Marcos girls swimming coach Brian Roth remembers six years ago, when only two of his swimmers qualified for the varsity finals at the Channel … [Read more...]

Chargers bounce back to take down Royals

Just a day after suffering a big upset at the hands of Santa Barbara High, the Dos Pueblos softball team was able to bounce back and defeat visiting … [Read more...]

San Marcos stays loose, moves into second place

In the wild scramble for playoff spots in the Channel League baseball race, San Marcos has played cool under fire. Playing a crucial game against … [Read more...]

Chargers edge Royals at competitive County Championships

Rivalry fueled and ruled the day at Saturday's Santa Barbara County Track and Field Championships, held at Carpinteria's Memorial Stadium. The … [Read more...]

Stathopoulos blast brings Royals back

San Marcos' baseball team moved into its Channel League bye week back in the saddle. After four straight league losses, the Royals picked up their … [Read more...]

Kim keeps Royals in the lead

David Kim recorded only one of San Marcos' 12 hits on Thursday but it sure was a big one. Kim's double with two outs in the bottom of the seventh … [Read more...]

Royals really feeling it in Channel League sweep

San Marcos' boys volleyball team had more than enough left in the tank on Thursday after Tuesday's five-set thriller with Santa Barbara, sweeping … [Read more...]

Dons pull out five-setter over pesky Royals

San Marcos ventured into the dimly lit, low-ceilinged confines of Santa Barbara High's J.R. Richards Gym on Tuesday and ended up journeying all the … [Read more...]