CIF girls volleyball, boys water polo polls

GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Division 1A 1. Aliso Niguel 2. El Dorado 3. Chino Hills 4. Villa Park 5. Valencia 6. Santa Barbara 7. Thousand Oaks 8, … [Read more...]

Who to Watch list for fall prep sports

  The fall season of high school sports gets rolling after Labor Day weekend. To prepare fans for the action in girls volleyball, girls … [Read more...]

Owls win opener on Rusack’s late TD run

Parker Rusack plowed through the line for his third touchdown with 1:25 left in the game, lifting Laguna Blanca to a wild 48-46 8-man football victory … [Read more...]

High School Runner of the Month: Cooper Farrell

Fitness won't be a problem for Laguna Blanca's Cooper Farrell entering his senior cross country season. That's because Farrell, the Owls' top … [Read more...]

Two SB Elite teams win CBVA titles in Pismo

Two teams from Santa Barbara's Elite Sand Volleyball Program won titles at the California Beach Volleyball Youth Tournament in Pismo Beach on … [Read more...]

Bennett-Satterfield earn runner-up honors at SB Open

Dillan Bennett was the last local player standing in the California Beach Volleyball Association Santa Barbara Men’s Open on Saturday. And Bennett … [Read more...]

Four locals earn All-CIF volleyball honors

The San Marcos setter-hitter combination of Christian Widmer and Shane Hauschild has been named to the All-CIF Division 2 volleyball team. The … [Read more...]

Widmer, Hauschild share All-City Volleyball MVP honors

Christian Widmer had it made as the setter for the San Marcos boys volleyball team. With lineup full of potent hitters, he could set the ball anywhere … [Read more...]