The progress Madison Niessen made on the volleyball court is reflected in the awards she’s won in her career.

Madison Niessen was the Providence girls volleyball MVP and its scholar-athlete of the year.
She’s gone from the Most Versatile Player as a freshman to Best Passer and Coach’s Award winner to the team MVP as a senior this past season for the Providence Patriots.
Niessen is an award-winning student as well. The Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table honored her Monday as the Scholar Athlete of the Year for Providence.
Niessen carries a 4.2 grade-point average with a class load that includes Advanced Placement Spanish, Economics and Government, Christian Theism and Comparative World Views, English Literature. She’s also in the school’s chamber choir.
She’s been on the head of school list all four years. This list is for students holding a GPA of 3.9 and above. She was presented the school’s Merit Award in 2015 for her hard work and dedication to school.
Niessen plans to attend Biola University and study elementary education, with an emphasis in multicultural studies. She hopes to teach in a third world country.
In addition to her hard work in academics and athletics, Niessen does volunteer work at the Rescue Mission and Alpha Resource Center. She’s also done missionary work in Costa Rica and Haiti.