Dean Smith has been around Cate School athletics since he was a little kid. At the age of 6, he served as the ball boy for the football team.

Dean Smith, Cate’s Phil Womble Ethics in Sports Award winner.
Today, Smith plays for the football, soccer and baseball teams at Cate, and he is an outstanding student and a leader on campus.
“As an administrator at the school, we all hope every athlete can be like Dean,” Cate athletic director Wade Ransom said. “In terms of leadership, you want a kid that works hard on the field and in the classroom, works their hardest to be a good member of our community and sets the highest standards in terms of behavior in their day-to-day activities.”
It’s those qualities that earned Smith the Phil Womble Ethics in Sports Award for Cate School.
Smith, the captain of the football team, holds a 3.52 GPA and is an honor student in Spanish and vocal music. In addition to his participation in athletics, he’s been a member of the school choral for three years.
“One of the teaching points we use a lot at Cate is using your strength to help other people in need,” Ransom said. “Dean has certainly embraced that philosophy.”
Ransom noted the son of Tim and Peg Smith “truly embraces the Cate motto of ‘Servons’ (let us serve).”
Said football coach Ben Soto: “His parents have done an outstanding job raising a young man who represents what Cate is all about: hard work, being prepared and finding time to help others.”
Smith thanked the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table, Phi Womble and his coaches Cate.
“You guys have been there my entire life, growing up on the Mesa,” Smith said. “Coach Soto has always been there for me. When I was 6-7 years old, he could have pushed me away and said you’re an annoying little kid. He gave me a job.”
He concluded by thanking his parents. “You guys are great. Thank you.”