Drs. Kubisch, Ferris keep local athletes smiling

Santa Barbara High football players pose with local orthodontist Drs. Raymond Kubisch, left, and Andrew Ferris.

Members of the Santa Barbara High football team pose with local orthodontist Drs. Raymond Kubisch, center, and Andrew Ferris. The doctors donated custom-fitted mouth guards to more than 450 high school and youth football players in the area.


Local orthodontists Dr. Raymond Kubisch and Dr. Andrew Ferris are “mouth guarding” Santa Barbara and Goleta’s football and basketball team smiles.

Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics have donated more than 450 custom-fitted mouth guards to high school, college and organized youth team athletes in our community to help protect them during practice and competition.

According to the National Youth Sports Foundation, an athlete is 60-times more likely to sustain damage to the teeth when not wearing a protective mouth guard or an improperly fitted one.

“More than 5 million teeth are knocked out each year due to sports injuries and trauma,” explained Dr. Andrew Ferris. “Our goal is to offer these young athletes a custom-fitted mouth guard to protect them from dental trauma and related head injuries often associated with contact sports.”

To date, Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics has made a charitable donation of custom-fitted mouth guards to Santa Barbara County youth including Santa Barbara High, Dos Pueblos, San Marcos and Bishop Garcia Diego, as well as Santa Barbara Youth Football League (YFL) and Westmont College basketball teams.

Dr. Kubisch and Dr. Ferris grew up playing contact sports. Their sports background coupled with their knowledge in the dental field made the idea for donating team mouth guards a perfect fit.

“A custom fabricated mouth guard provides better protection and offers a level of comfort that gives athletes the ability to breathe and communicate better while wearing them,” stated Dr. Raymond Kubisch.

“Team safety is always our priority,” stated Douglas Caines, Head coach of the Santa Barbara High football team. “Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics have the expertise and technology to make our team safer on the field. A mouth guard is a small but vital piece of equipment our players cannot do without.”

“EmBRACE Excellence,” defines Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics, a full-service Orthodontic office for children, teens and adults, specializing in beautiful smiles using traditional braces, and clear invisible Invisalign(r) and Invisalign Teen(r) aligners.

They are located at 3820 State Street, Suite D in Santa Barbara, CA. More information, contact 805-687-7417 or visit www.kubischandferris.com.

Press release was written on behalf of Kubisch and Ferris Orthodontics