SB Soccer Club scores a big goal on Thanksgiving

Santa Barbara Soccer Club was able to donate 26 turkeys for Thanksgiving this year. (Pictured Front Row: Michael Luckhurst; Top Row from right to left: Allie Jones, Adam Luckhurst, Owen Lambe, Jack Luckhurst, and Billy Gallagher)

After hearing that the Food Bank of Santa Barbara was short on turkeys for Thanksgiving, players from Santa Barbara Soccer Club decided to help.

This past weekend, in an effort to ensure as many people as possible enjoy Thanksgiving, boys and girls from Santa Barbara SC decided that for every goal they managed to score they would donate a turkey to the Santa Barbara Food Bank.

The result was a donation of $525 that will see 26 more tables graced with the Thanksgiving bird this year.

Participants from the club’s Boys U9 Red, BU10 White, GU11 White, BU11 White and GU15 white teams showed up at the Food Bank on Tuesday to deliver the donations.


  1. Awesome–Nice job guys, and girls!