Alcatraz attracts several local endurance athletes

Santa Barbara’s Jason Kelly, Mark Silverberg, Jim Murdoch and Greg Gaitan took on the Alcatraz Challenge on July 18, braving the chilly and choppy San Francisco Bay to compete in the famous endurance competition.

Kelly and Silverberg completed the aquathlon (with wetsuits) right after the other, with Kelly edging Silverberg by a single second. Kelly’s time of 2 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds was good for 196th place overall.

Chattanooga’s Jack McAfee was the overall champion, clocking the course in 1:19.33.

The Alcatraz Challenge begins with a 1.5 mile swim from the former prison on Alcatraz Island through tough currents to the East Beach of Crissy Field. From there, a 7-mile run crosses the Golden Gate Bridge and back to complete the course.


Gaitan competed in just the swim portion, placing third overall and first in his 40-49 age-group.

Murdoch, entered in the aquathlon, was not able to complete the run after conquering the swim in 1:12.01.