Cate netters lose by smallest possible margin

It doesn’t get any closer.

Cate’s boys tennis team remained winless after battling to a 9-9 tie in sets against Arroyo Grande on Friday, losing in games by a tally of 73-72.

“We had a number of chances to win this match and we came up short. The Arroyo Grande kids played well when the chips were down, and we didn’t really have any gas left,” said disappointed Rams coach Bob Bonning.

Blake Mackall and Gregory Mak went 3-0 for the Rams (0-3) in doubles play and Cam Seo won both of his sets before hopping on a plane to go home to Korea for Spring Break.

Cate plays San Luis Obispo in three weeks.

ARROYO GRANDE 9, CATE 9 (AG wins on games, 73-72)

Singles — G: Eli Whittle 3-0, Soren Richards 0-3, Sean Hollister 2-1. C: Rohit Goswamy 1-2, Austin Lokre 1-1, Cam Seo 2-0, Spencer Shapiro 0-1, Ahmed Bou-Rabee 0-1.

Doubles — AG: Ian Moynaea-Jordon Hayashi 2-1, Danny Williams-Evan Lange 1-2, Kenji McKinstry-Brent Moore 1-2. C: Mark Mullan-Chris Lin 2-1, Blake Mackall-Gregory Mak 3-0, Bill Pomerans-Grant Redmond 0-1, Bill Pomerans-Jason Park 0-1, Jason Park-Omar Kaurshid 0-1.