Delgadillo takes second for Cardinal girls

Bishop Diego’s Christie Delgadillo finished second in the girls race at the Frontier League cross-country meet Thursday with a time of 22 minutes, 24 seconds at the Carpinteria Bluffs.

Nordhoff won the the meet with a score of 26, while St. Bonaventure was second with 50 and Bishop was third at 54. Nordhoff’s Catherine Hansbrouck won the race easily with an exceptional time of 19:17.

Stephanie Ramirez was the second Cardinal to cross the finish line, taking 11th in 25:54.

The boys race was an absolute mess, as the top six runners were mistakenly directed off the course about 2oo yards, according to Cardinals coach Ray “Slash” Vazquez, thereby skewing the results. Vazquez said that he expects the athletic directors of the schools to meet regarding the issue.

“I think they’ll most likely cancel everyone’s scores and wait until the next one,” he said.

The top Cardinals on the boys side finished in a tight pack. Ted Sleep was 10th overall at 18:37 and Trent Speier was right behind him by just a second. Elias Munoz was 12th, finishing in 18:45.