Hot-handed Buena bashes Chargers

Just about the only thing scarier than traveling to face the Buena girls basketball team in its own gym could be facing them there when they’re shooting lights out.

It happened for Dos Pueblos on Tuesday and the result was an 83-52 Channel League defeat from the Bulldogs.

Jessica Escalante had 20 points and five assists for the Chargers and Meghan Murphy added 17.

The Chargers played Buena fairly evenly after a 26-5 first quarter that established the Bulldogs’ superiority.

Before the varsity game, coach Maynard Pilapil was happy to report that the girls DP junior varsity team beat Buena for the first time in the schools history, holding them to 10 points.

The Chargers return home on Thursday for a rivarly game with San Marcos at 7 p.m.


DOS PUEBLOS – DiMarco 8, Murphy 17, Hoover-Porter 2, Crane 2, Mata 5, Escalante 20. Totals – 18, 12-17

BUENA – Erickson 12, Strang 7, Albanez 7, Halpern 16, Munoz 3, Holcomb 18, Shir 10, Sawen 10. Totals – 36, 1-4, 83 

Dos Pueblos  5  13  20  14 – 52

Buena           26 15  24  18 – 83

3-pointers  – B 10 (Erickson 4, Strang, Albanez, Holcomb 2, Halpern 2) DP 4 ( DiMarco, Mata, Escalante 2).