PHOTO GALLERY: Dons Soccer CIF Semifinal

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Royals wear the suit of victory against Dons

They stole the mascot, but they couldn't steal the game. Santa Barbara High students were somehow able to hijack the San Marcos lion mascot suit, … [Read more...]

Best Photos of 2010

2010 was filled with great sports moments in Santa Barbara so Presidio Sports collected its favorite images from the past 12 months to bring you back. … [Read more...]

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WeissCrax: It’s a ruff life

It’s Deadline Day for my sportz column …. and “I’ve got nothin’” to quote my golfing friend, Matt Keenan – a one-handicapper who … [Read more...]

Presidio Sports has a new teammate in Noozhawk

By Michelle Nelson, Noozhawk Editor In a unique new collaboration, Presidio Sports and Noozhawk are teaming up to share news and sports articles … [Read more...]